| On Eagles' Wings by Brooke Boersma I don't know about you, but I'm definitely in the throes of the "blahs" of winter. January and February seem to be a time of exhaustion and depression for many - here in the Seattle area, we definitely attribute it to lack of sun. I think our daily coffee consumption at least doubles! (And we're a city full of people that drink an average of 4 cups a day!)
This time of year is hard on kids too. They're tired, feeling pressure, maybe experiencing seasonal depression along with all of the hormones they already have raging through their bodies...it can be wearying.
It's in this season that I think about Isaiah's encouragement, "For those who hope in the Lord will rise up on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint."
I never completely grasped the meaning of this passage until last summer. Brent (my husband), Caleb (my son) and I went on a hike on the Pacific Northwest Trail. We had hiked about 8 miles round trip and were ready to head back to the car, pretty tired from a few steep climbs. There was a branch off the main trail, though and intrigued, we decided to take it. Plugging along in some pretty thick forest, not knowing where we were going, with Caleb whining most of the way - I was about ready to give up. It was then that rounded a bend and made an amazing discovery. We emerged into a favorite launching spot of hang gliders! We got to watch as over and over these brave people jumped over a steep ledge and launched into the air, gliding around and around, up and down, over Puget Sound, the oyster fields below, and the surrounding hills and farm land. What a gorgeous sight!
A professional hang glider saw us watching and began to tell Caleb all about how the gliders, like birds, find a thermal - heat rising off the side of the mountain or hill, and circle around and around allowing the rising heat to send them higher and higher into the sky. The gliders have been known to fly from this spot all the way up into British Columbia, simply finding the right winds and thermals to give them speed and height. Energized and excited about what we had seen and learned, the hike back to the car was a breeze.
We have several eagles that live near our house, I see them when I'm out running. I've always appreciated their regal beauty and have been reminded of that verse in Isaiah as I've watched them. Armed with this new information, that bit of Scripture comes to life. On a recent run, I saw some of the eagles, gracefully circling....rising higher and higher as they were lifted up by a thermal. Eagles have a stark beauty, their giant wings spread wide. I watched for over 15 minutes as these eagles circled and rose, then riding the wind, came back and circled up again, not once beating their wings.
Now I understand what Isaiah is talking about. We can be exhausted by work, the demands of family and ministry, but we who hope in the Lord will rise on wings like eagles. The Spirit is our wind, like the thermal that lifts and lifts the eagle with no effort of their own. We may be tired, but we are able to fly, lifted by God.
This winter, may you and your students rise on wings like eagles. May the Spirit of the Lord fill you, hold you, lift you, and give you strength.
| Coming Up... Spring Retreat If you're thinking about doing a spring retreat with your LOH kids, now's the time to start planning. Let us know ASAP if you'd like to use our materials, or have one of our staff lead the retreat!
Orientations If you're considering LOH for next fall, we'd be happy to talk with you and help you get started! Set up an appointment with us this spring so you're ready to go when school starts!
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| | Finishing Year 2? Are you finishing up with Year 2 kids this spring? Your time with them doesn't have to be over! Now's the time for them to be able to use the skills and the maturity they've gained and give back. Encourage them to help lead an LOH group, serve in another church ministry, or take a leadership position in a non-profit somewhere else where they can build relationships with people and share the love of Jesus. Connect with your group of "veterans" over coffee once a month to let them know they're still important to you, and make sure that they're in a group somewhere where they can continue to grow in their faith. | |
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